Demanding customers? We are able to satisfy every need of our production and we customize each item with excellence for every different sector of application.
We have invested in new technologies, which have allowed us to create an ever wider and more specific range of products, without neglecting efficiency and quality.

Our company follows its products from the beginning and only with a constant and meticulous care and attention in the choice of raw materials, we can guarantee the quality of the final product.
Linen flax, for example, is the raw material that we mostly use for our articles and is a carefully selected and selected material, right from cultivation.

Our company is ISO 9001 certified since the year 2000, confirming the efficiency and seriousness of the owners of Lottini SRL and all their collaborators.
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Experience and technology
We carry out and monitor all the various production phases with the help of advanced technologies and computerized machinery. We obtain products of excellent and constant quality because we combine technology with our decades of experience that sets us apart.

Analysis and controls
We analyze and check both the raw materials we use and the finished products to ensure that our quality standard is always high and that the product is suitable for the use that will be made of it. Our strength is the versatility: we succeed, with our articles, in ranging in various merchandise sectors and fields of application.
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YARNS AND TWINES The yarn is obtained through the spinning process made by twisting fibers together
The yarn, can be of various thickness and is identified by various different units of measurement. The most common are Lea (title) or Nm (metric number).
The yarn can be coupled to two or more threads, thus obtaining the twist witch gives strength and compactness.
The obtained twist can be used as a semi-finished product or subjected to following processing.

STRINGSThe string is made by twisting and subsequent polishing of natural and synthetic fiber yarns.
Polishing is a waxing process that makes the twine more shiny and rigid than the twist which is softer and is less smooth and more hairy.
The main natural raw materials used are linen (flax), cotton, ramie and rayon; synthetic twine is mainly made with polyester and polypropylene.
The twine can be produced in various packs like reels with and without tube (or internal core), balls and spools.
Based on the fiber used and the manufacturing procedure, twine can be suitable for various uses and for many types of sector.

ROPESThe rope also called cable is made up of the union of 3 or 4 strands that are twisted together.
It can be produced with natural and synthetic fibers.
The main natural raw materials used are linen (flax), jute and sisal; synthetic ropes are made with polyester, polypropylene and synthetic raffia.
Depending on the fiber used and the manufacturing procedure, ropes can be suitable for various uses including furniture, boating, fishing, packaging and technical sectors.

BRAIDS The braid formed by the union of several threads intertwined with each other which give it the classic tubular shape.
The main natural raw materials used are linen (flax) and cotton; synthetic braids are mainly made with polyester and polypropylene.
Depending on the fiber used and the manufacturing procedure, braids of small diameters up to 30 mm can be obtained.

BELTSThe belt, can be produced with natural or synthetic fiber.
It is mainly used for upholstery work where some resistance is required.
According to the raw material used, different types of belts are obtained, with different strenght.

JUTE CLOTHSJute cloth is a natural fiber fabric, obtained from plants of the Corchorus genus.
The fiber is obtained from the stem of the plant and is highly hygroscopic and totally biodegradable.
The fabric has the characteristics of the yarn and is rough and quite resistant; it also offers high transpiration of the cloth.

TOWThe tow (machine tow) is obtained from the shorter fibers of the linen processing, during the hackling process.
Suitable for packaging, padding and decorations.

TAPESMade by weaving on a mechanical loom, of natural fiber, such as cotton or jute, or of synthetic fiber, such as polyester.
The tape, also called belt, is used for roller shutters doors and windows.

BAGSThe bags, of various sizes, can be produced in natural jute fiber or synthetic polypropylene fiber.
Ideal in agriculture, for gardening, for the storage of vegetables during crop and as packaging of various kinds.

CABLES The cable, is produced with a particular twist which makes it similar to a very thin rope.
It can be produced with natural and synthetic fibers.
It is rigid and resistant and is suitable for decorations, handicraft, jewelery, fashion accessories, gifts, packaging, shoe finishing and clothing tags.

RAFFIA The raffia (or rafia), derives from a variety of palm trees from tropical Africa, widespread especially in Madagascar.
It is a coarse vegetable fiber, it has good resistance to tension and atmospheric agents.
Suitable for intertwined productions and craftsmanship; in gardening for grafts and ligatures that do not damage the plant; for wedding favors and fashion accessories.

NETS The net can be of various types, materials and sizes.Suitable for seasoning, storage and packaging of cured meats and dairy products.
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